With both local and national policy and practitioner experience, and a deep commitment to the health and happiness of children, helping to move San Diego for Every Child forward is a dream role for Hogeboom.
Prior to joining San Diego for Every Child, Hogeboom managed the Feeding Kids Program for Feeding San Diego, and was Director of Strategic Partnerships for the national education non-profit, National Girls Collaborative Project.
Her professional experience has sent her nationally and globally, including a stint in the Peace Corps serving as an agricultural volunteer in rural Paraguay, to New York City, where she had several roles with the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, Raising a Reader, International Rescue Committee and New York Peace Institute.
Hogeboom stays active in the San Diego community through serving as San Diego Leadership Alliance Board Co-President after completing the organization’s Fellows Institute in 2015.
Born and raised in California, Hogeboom attended San Diego State University, and has a degree in International Security and Conflict Resolution. She also has a Master’s degree in Global Affairs from New York University.